Online Telemedicine Courses

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Diabetes and Telemedicine Practice (Vers.1)

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Diabetes Telemedicine PracticeCourse has been put together by experts in the field who are familiar with this form of practice for many years. This course follows the same level of compliance as available in the document released by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India entitled 'Telemedicine Practice Guidelines.'

Telemedicine Society of India has a separate online foundation course for all practitioners to familiarise themselves with the'Telemedicine Practice Guidelines.' The diabetes course goes a step further and helps the diabetes practitioners to understand the requirements for such a practice. You can either take both the courses or just take the diabetes telemedicine course.

Telemedicine Society of India (TSI) has trained over 7500 doctors through online courses with excellent feedback. MedIndia is helping TSI to deliver these online course through an educational grant.

If you wish to undertake the course please register and make a payment for it.

Once you register your login and password will be issued along with an e-book about theTelemedicine Practice Guidelines. This contains the Ministry guidelines along with a set FAQ's.

We highly recommend that you go through the Telemedicine Practice Guidelines and the FAQ's before you watch the course video lectures.

There are also optional course videos available for you and these will help you not only enhance your knowledge but also improve your communication skills for teleconsultations.

The course will include live interaction with the facultydepending on the numbers registering for the course.This is to help you clear all your doubts about telemedicine guidelines with the experts in the field.

Target audience: Medical Doctors who are practicing diabetes and providing teleconsultations

Online Platform: MOODLE

Webinar Delivery: Via Online Platform

Diabetes Telemedicine Practice Course - Structure and Format

Pre-assessment - 20 mins - Compulsory

Module I. Introductory Primer to Tele-Diabetes

1. Definitions of Terminology in Telemedicine (Compulsory) -15 mins
2. Telehealth and Diabetes Introduction Page

Video Lectures

Lecture 1: Telemedicine for diabetology experiences
Lecture 2: Telemedicine Practice Guidelines by GOI (Compulsory)

Module II - Setting up a Diabetes & Telehealth Practice

PowerPoint presentations

1. Telemedicine for Diabetes Care: Case Based Approach
2. Telemedicine for Diabetes Care: Practical Tips on How to set up a Telehealth Facility
3. Telemedicine and Foot care in Diabetes

Video lectures

Lecture 3: Telemedicine- Communication & Tips-(Highly recommended) - 20mins
Lecture 4: Implementing Technology in Diabetes via Telemedicine

Frequently Asked Questions in setting up telemedicine consultations-

(A Primer in the form of Q & A (Highly recommended)-60mins)
General Questions on Telemedicine
Skills related questions and resources
Consultation related question

Module III. Legal & Ethical Aspects

1. Telemedicine Practice Guidelines by Ministry of Health - PPT (Compulsory) - 30mins

Video Lectures

Lecture 5: Ethical code of conduct INDIAN MEDICAL COUNCIL (Highly Recommended) - 30mins

FAQ's of BoG from MCI
FAQs on Telemedicine Practice Guidelines from MCI - From RMP/ Care-givers' point of view
FAQs on Telemedicine Practice Guidelines from MCI - From Patients/Care-seekers' point of view

Module IV. Optional Reading Material

Indian Medical Council Regulations(Recommended reading)
Diabetes-related research papers
Problems associated with diabetes care in India
Diabetes Mellitus and Peripheral Vascular Disease
Diabetic foot related research papers
Knowledge, attitude, and practice of foot care in patients with diabetes at central rural India
Diabetic Foot Infection: An Indian Scenario
The global burden of diabetic foot disease
Management of Diabetic Foot in an Indian Clinical Setup: An Opinion Survey

Ask a Question - Optional

Live Interaction with Faculty on the Web for Q & A - (Highly Recommended) - 90 mins

Feedback - Compulsory

Participation Certificate

Post course Assessment - compulsory (40 mins)

Proficiency Certificate

Duration: The course would take a total of 4 to 6 hours to complete and you can do it at your own pace.

Once you finish a section do check the box on the right hand side.

The reading material will require 4 to 6 hours of your time and will provide all the essential information for safe practice of telemedicine.

The login and password will be available to you for a period of one year from date of registration and payment and there are no limits to your viewing the course.

Assessment: There are pre-course and post course assessments. Each question can be attempted only once.

Certification of Participation or Certificate of Proficiency: After completion of the course, including faculty interaction you may take the assessment, after which depending on the performance you will get either the Certification of Participation or Certificate of Proficiency.

Click here to Register for Diabetes and Telemedicine Practice

Available courses

Course 1: Telemedicine Practice Guidelines Course for Doctors

Course 2. Diabetes and Telemedicine Practice - Duration 4 hours

Courses Coming Soon

Course 3. Cardiology and Telemedicine Practice - Duration 4 hours(coming soon)

Course 4. Paediatrics and Telemedicine Practice - Duration 4 hours (coming soon)

Course 5. OG and Telemedicine Practice - Duration 4 hours (coming soon)

Course 6. Ophthalmology and Telemedicine Practice - Duration 4 hours (coming soon)

Course 7. Urology and Telemedicine Practice - Duration 4 hours(coming soon)

Course 8. Telemedicine Practice Course for Ayush Practitioners (coming soon)

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